地址:遼寧鞍山騰鰲開發區鞍羊路67號 |
郵編:114225 |
電話:+ 86 412 8328591 |
傳真:+ 86 412 8328591 |
網址:www.51ddfz.com |
郵箱:jg@jingangforge.com |
公司是1993年6月由鞍鋼成立的股份制企業,F有職工110余人,其中質檢人員8人,技術人員12人,管理人員10人,熟練工人80余人。占地4萬平方米,建筑面積1.5萬平方米。擁有150余臺套各種鍛壓、機加工和檢驗設備。產品涵蓋自由鍛件,熱處理,機加工,黑色金屬及鋁、銅、鈦合金。鍛件日產30噸,最大單重14噸,最小5公斤。擅長模具鋼塊H13,5CrNiMo制造。產品直接出口歐美、日本、俄羅斯。 |
Company Profile: |
Jingang is a corporate enterprise founded by Ansteel in June of 1993. There are more than 110 employees now, including 8 quality inspectors, 12 technicians, 10 managerial personnel and more than 80 skilled workers. The company covers a total area of 40,000m2, and a building area of 15,000 m2. Equipped with more than 150 sets of various kinds of forging, machining and inspection equipments, Jingang is a custom open-die forger specialized in forging, heat treating and machining, material covers ferrous metal and aluminum, copper and titanium alloy. The company’s daily output is 30t of forgings, the maximum single weight is 14t, minimum is 5kg. Jingang’s dominant products are H13, 5CrNiMo die steel. Products are exported directly to Europe, America, Japan and Russia.
鈦合金鍛件 |
鋁合金鍛件 |
法蘭類 |
異形件 |
特鋼模塊 |
軸類件 |
環類件 |
缸體套筒 |